This course is for employed candidates who are on an Apprenticeship programme who seek a career in Electrical Installation and Maintenance
On-programme is the learning phase for apprentices to pick up the skills, knowledge and behaviours set in the standard. Apprentices must complete 20% off-the-job training during on-programme. Specific rules govern this and it must take place in the apprentice’s contracted hours. There is a mandatory Level 3 Electrotechnical Qualification and two occupational routes available in this apprenticeship.
Installation Electricians:
Maintenance Electricians:
EPA is the final stage that an apprentice goes through to complete their apprenticeship. The apprentice must demonstrate their learning to an independent end-point assessor.
Typical duration to gateway: 48 months
Typical EPA period: 6 months
Must be working for an employer, must attend college for 1 day release, english and maths level 2 prefarrable but not essential
Professional recognition
This apprenticeship aligns with Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) for Technician Member (TMIET)
The assessments methods would be the end point assessments/AM2